Saturday, July 24, 2010

Has It Really Been 40 Years?

On the night of June 3, 1970, the class of 1971 became Seniors when the class of  '70 completed graduation. It is hard to believe the time has gone by so quickly. It is also hard to believe some of the items I have saved - and am now throwing away. The next few posts will be a collection of those items - some of them pieces of newsprint, yellowed by age and falling apart. Of course, those scraps tell the same story today, as they did in 1970 and 71 - much different than my recollections of those years. I will add some of those thoughts - and encourage you to add some of yours (and pictures). You can send them to me, or just respond to the posts.

It was the best of times and the worst of times, but it was our time to shine.

1970 Tryon High School Graduation Program

1966 8th Grade Graduation Program

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